At 10. 20 a.m. a flag (54in. x 28in.) was tied to the top of Mount Suribachi. On one of the pictures one can identify Pfc Gene M. Marshall (the one carrying the radio) and Sergeant Henry O. Hanson to his left (with cap and hand on the pole). Sergeant Louis R. Lowery being together with Company E to record the event.
Soon after, a Marine (unnamed) went to LST 779 to get a larger flag being more visible to ships offshore.
Meanwhile, a second flag was taken there.- Two more photographers joining rhe party: Joe Rosenthal and Private Robert R. Campbell.-Campbell's photo showing Rosenthal waving with the camera to left of small flag.-Another picture: Rosenthal ready to shoot raising of large flag.-At his side:Sergeant William Genaust, 'leatherneck' cameraman.-Two Marines walking in front of him.-Therefore, he took 3 more pictures.-Next picture: showing Rosenthal while picturing his 4th photo ("posed 'insurance' shot"); photo shot by Campbell.-
Next one: Rosenthal overlooking beach.-LST 779 below.-Film airlifted to CINPAC HQ Guam; there processed immediately.-First negative: Stars and Stripes over group of Marines="final posed picture"; 2nd and 3rd pieces of film ruined.-Symbolic picture; "stirred the world and inspired a nation"; Marine having walked into frame not spoiling shot (Pfc Ira H. Hayes, Pfc Franklin B. Sousley, Sergeant Michael Strank and Ph M2C John H. Bradley ("both obscured by comrades"), Pfc Rene A. Gagnon, Corporal Harlon H. Block (Strank, Block and Sousley: killed in action before island being secured).-Next shot: by Private Campbell "taken from aslightly higher angle".-Next photo: showing monument.-"both flags being preserved in the Marine Corps Museum" (Quantico, Virginia)-"Of the six flag-raisers who survived the war, only John Bradley is alive today, living in Antigo, Wisconsin. Marty Black went to see him for us in April 1992 but Bradley is very modest and shuns all publicity."
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